API Authentication Templates Campaigns Contact Upload Contact Update Pricing Conversation Outputs Real Time Polling Examples Create Campaign Get Outputs

Rungopher API v1.3



  1. All calls require input of type application/json, unless otherwise indicated.
  2. All calls return output of type application/json, unless otherwise indicated.


HTTP status codes have the usual meaning. Errors are returned as JSON payload as well, but with a HTTP status code other than 200 OK.

Code Reason
401 Not logged in
400 Bad input
403 Action denied
404 Entity the action is applied to is not found, eg. campaign was not found
500 Any other server error

See error string for actual error details, for example:

    "errors": [ "No such campaign" ]


The RunGopher API requires an API key for authentication. Please contact RunGopher support and get an API key for your account.

All requests should send this API key in the request header as so:

ApiKey: <yourApiKey>

Campaign Templates

GET api/v1/template

Get names and descriptions of all templates that can be used to create a campaign.


        "category": "General",
        "name": "AcceptDecline",
        "displayName": "Accept or Decline",
        "description": "This campaign template asks the contact if they are interested in an event and categorizes the responses.",
        "costPerContact": 0.34
        "category": "Charities",
        "name": "TellYourFriends",
        "displayName": "Tell Your Friends",
        "description": "This solution prepares a template sms message that the recipient can then forward on to friends.",
        "costPerContact": 0.56


Attribute Type Description
category string One of General, Charities, Marketing
name string The name of the template. You will need to use this to create a campaign from this template
displayName string A friendly string to display to users
description string Some info about what function this template performs
diagramUrl string A link to a public google slide showing the structure of this template
costPerContact decimal The dollar amount the account holder will be charged for each contact started as a part of this campaign


POST api/v1/campaign

Creates a new campaign using the template and parameters specified.


    "name": "AcceptDecline",
    "title": "T1001: My Great Event Opt In",
    "transitionEmail": "mark.hingston@rungopher.com"


    "id": 15,
    "title": "T1001: My Great Event Opt In",
    "campaignToken": "143-dfvsm-3r3ndkd",
    "state": "draft",
    "transitionEmail": "mark.hingston@rungopher.com",
    "costPerContact": 0.34,
    "costPerExtraSms": 0.04,
    "costPerTransition": 0.05,
    "smsContent": [
            "name": "smsInterested",
            "displayName": "A. Interested in offer?",
            "content": "Hi! It's <Sue> from <My Company> here. Just wondering if you'd like to participate in our Great Event?"
            "name": "smsAcceptReply",
            "displayName": "B. Accept reply",
            "content": "Thanks! We'll be in touch shortly"
    "requiredFields": [

Request Attributes

Attribute Type Description
name string The name of the template to use. This should be drawn from the name field in the api/v1/template call
title string The title the user wants to give the campaign
transitionEmail string An email address that will receive all responses that can't be auto-classified

Campaign Attributes

Attribute Type Editable Description
id integer no The id of the campaign
title string no The title the user gave the campaign
campaignToken string no A token that can be used later to reference the created campaign
state string no One of draft, running, completed
transitionEmail string yes An email address that will receive all responses that can't be auto-classified
costPerContact decimal no The dollar amount the account holder will be charged for each contact started as a part of this campaign
costPerExtraSms decimal no The dollar amount the account holder will be charged for each extra SMS segment (see Pricing section)
costPerTransition decimal no The dollar amount the account holder will be charged for each transition reply they send (see Pricing section)

SMS Attributes

Attribute Type Editable Description
name string no Name used to identify this piece of sms content. Use this name when sending updates
displayName string no Friendly name of this piece of content - to be shown to end users
content string yes The actual SMS content. This must be between 1 to 1000 characters in length.

Required fields

This is just full list of the fields required for each contact you add to this campaign. See Contact Upload below.

GET api/v1/campaign/<campaignId>

Get campaign details


    "id": 15,
    "title": "T1001: My Great Event Opt In",
    "campaignToken": "143-dfvsm-3r3ndkd",
    "state": "draft",
    "transitionEmail": "my-new-transition-email@me.com",
    "costPerContact": 0.34,
    "costPerExtraSms": 0.04,
    "costPerTransition": 0.05,
    "smsContent": [
            "name": "smsInterested",
            "displayName": "A. Interested in offer?",
            "content": "Hi! It's <Sue> from <My Company> here. Just wondering if you'd like to participate in our Great Event?"
            "name": "smsAcceptReply",
            "displayName": "B. Accept reply",
            "content": "Great! We'll give you a call shortly"
    "requiredFields": [

GET api/v1/campaign

List all campaigns and their details


        "id": 15,
        "title": "T1001: My Great Event Opt In",
        "campaignToken": "143-dfvsm-3r3ndkd",
        "state": "draft",
        "transitionEmail": "my-new-transition-email@me.com",
        "costPerContact": 0.34,
        "costPerExtraSms": 0.04,
        "costPerTransition": 0.05,
        "smsContent": [
                "name": "smsInterested",
                "displayName": "A. Interested in offer?",
                "content": "Hi! It's <Sue> from <My Company> here. Just wondering if you'd like to participate in our Great Event?"
                "name": "smsAcceptReply",
                "displayName": "B. Accept reply",
                "content": "Great! We'll give you a call shortly"
        "requiredFields": [
        "id": 16,
        "title": "T1003: My Great Event",
        "campaignToken": "abc-123sm-3r3ndkd",
        "state": "draft",
        "transitionEmail": "my-new-transition-email@me.com",
        "costPerContact": 0.15,
        "costPerExtraSms": 0.04,
        "costPerTransition": 0.05,
        "smsContent": [
                "name": "smsHello",
                "displayName": "A. Hello",
                "content": "Hi! It's <Sue> from <My Company> here. I hope your ready for the great event!"
        "requiredFields": [

POST api/v1/campaign/<campaignId>

Edits a campaign


    "transitionEmail": "my-new-transition-email@me.com",
    "smsContent": [
            "name": "smsInterested",
            "content": "Hi! It's Ben from BigEvents here. Just wondering if you'd like to participate in our Great Event?"
            "name": "smsAcceptReply",
            "content": "Great! We'll give you a call shortly"

Request criteria


    "id": 15,
    "title": "T1001: My Great Event Opt In",
    "campaignToken": "143-dfvsm-3r3ndkd",
    "state": "draft",
    "transitionEmail": "my-new-transition-email@me.com",
    "costPerContact": 0.34,
    "costPerExtraSms": 0.04,
    "costPerTransition": 0.05,
    "smsContent": [
            "name": "smsInterested",
            "displayName": "A. Interested in offer?",
            "content": "Hi! It's Ben from BigEvents here. Just wondering if you'd like to participate in our Great Event?"
            "name": "smsAcceptReply",
            "displayName": "B. Accept reply",
            "content": "Great! We'll give you a call shortly"
    "requiredFields": [

Contact Upload

POST api/v1/campaign/<campaignId>/contact

Add a contact to a campaign and start that contact. Any of the attributes listed in the 'Contact Attributes' section can be added as part of a contact. The contacts list can contain anywhere from 1 up to 30,000 contacts.


    "mode": "live",
    "contacts": [
            "contactId": "1",
            "firstName": "Mark",
            "lastName": "Jones",
            "mobile": "+61468403000"
            "contactId": "2",
            "firstName": "Chris",
            "lastName": "Smith",
            "mobile": "+61468403001"


200 OK response means that the submitted contacts were started successfully. started indicates how many contacts were successfully started. You may also receive 0 or more warnings after a successful contact start. Eg:

    "started": 10,
    "warnings": []


    "started": 8,
    "warnings": [
        "Mobile number +61468403100 already exists in this campaign, skipped",
        "Mobile number +61468403101 already exists in this campaign, skipped"


Attribute Type Description
campaignId integer The RunGopher id for this campaign. Visible in the url bar when browsing campaigns in the portal. Or retrieved by listing all campaigns using the API.
mode string Accepted values are: live or test. In test mode you are allowed to use the same mobile number multiple times in a campaign. In live mode you can not.

Contact Attributes

Mandatory - Every contact you upload must have each of these
Attribute Type Description
contactId string External ID, eg. from your CRM
firstName string The first name of the contact
lastName string The last name of the contact
mobile string The mobile number of the contact, preferrably of the form +61468403000
Solution Specific - You may need to define one or more of these for each contact
Attribute Type Description
email string The email address of the contact
weblink string The link that you want the contact to click on and visit. This will be automatically shortened and tracked.
addressToVerify string The address that you would like to verify is correct.
bouncedAddress string A failed delivery address that you would like the contact to correct.
upgradeAmount string The amount of extra money you are asking the contact for.
Custom Attributes - Sometimes used to add specifics to solutions. Totally optional
Attribute Type
custom1 string
custom2 string
custom3 string
custom4 string


A max of 30,000 contacts can be uploaded in a single batch.

Also please be aware that if individual contacts contain invalid data they will be skipped and reported to you as warnings, as shown above. Thus, if many contacts have warnings RunGopher may return a large amount of warning data in the response.

Journey Contact Update

PUT api/v1/journey/<journeyId>/contact/<mobile>

Update a contact previously uploaded.


    "fields": {
         "firstName": "Justin",
         "lastName": "Vanier",
         "custom1": "new custom value"
         "promo.weblink": "https://example.com/m24j4F


200 OK response indicates the submitted fields were updated successfully.


Attribute Type Description
journeyId integer The RunGopher id for the journey. Visible in the url bar when browsing journeys in the portal.
mobile string The mobile number of the contact, preferably of the form 61468403000 (phone number, prefixed with country code, without the +).
fields json object The fields to update, and the values. Allowed fields are firstName, lastName, custom1, custom2, custom3, custom4, and any of the solution specific fields applicable to that journey (in the format campaignName.fieldName).



Because of the headers required to combine multiple SMSes back into one at the receiving phone, SMS segments are broken up like:

If the SMS is 160 characters or less: Segments = 1

If the SMS is more than 160 characters: Segments = Character count / 153

Some examples:

Character count Segments
150 1
160 1
161 2
306 2
310 3

Extra SMS Segments

RunGopher templates come with default text, which you will edit before using. If your edits to the default text or the injection of the details of your contacts (first name, last name, etc) causes an SMS to become one segment larger, you will be charged for that extra segment, at the specified extraSegmentCost. Mulitple extra segments will incur multiple extraSegmentCost for that SMS.


When a RunGopher client replies to a transition email, an SMS is sent to the end customer's phone. You will be charged costPerTransition for each SMS that is sent via this method.